Best Practices For Mitigating Connection Issues

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  1. Use an Ethernet (network) cable if possible. This cable should give you a faster and more reliable connection.
  2. Confirm other simultaneous requests are not hitting your network.
  3. Confirm the hardware specifications are enough to support your needs.
  4. Reboot your modem or router when you have a spare 5-10 minutes. if there is a secondary/hot spot network available try using it.
  5. If using the webcam, adjust the camera resolution to require less bandwidth. 
  6. Ensure the browser you're using is up to date.
  7. Position the router in an area with as few obstructions and interference as possible.
  8. If wireless, check settings for best speeds and security to ensure no one else is using your network.
  9. Confirm background applications are not running which may be using your CPU and slowing down your computer. For example Skype, Backups, System Updates, Antivirus Software, etc.
  10. Close all tabs on your browser(s).
  11. Confirm you're not in a "traffic jam" on your network. The time of day you're online can impact you as well. And keep in mind, many phone systems are VoIP; therefore, potentially adding stress to the network.
  12. Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and request new server routing for improved performance.


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