Is my computer Jigsaw Ready?
(i.e. Updated Browser version, Jigsaw app/Extension installed, Mic/Web Cam detected)
Have end user run through Test My Computer link. Once all components have been confirmed updated and still having issue, engage Tech Support.
Latency, slow connection, delays, choppy audio reported?
- Determine if the issue with the computer, browser or network. Typical relates to bandwidth and delayed connection issues with end user’s ISP.
- Log out of the session and enter using a different browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox. Record outcome
- Try accessing Jigsaw from a different computer if possible
Note: IF ABOVE DOES NOT RESOLVE, Tech Support can review logs to see if anyone in session were experience delays
- Have end user run speed and ping test prior to joining session and then during session when problem occurs.
Collect the following to provide to Tech Support who can then pull instrumentation logs and check for delays:
- Session Name
- Session Date
- Host email address –user who created session
- Names of user who experienced delays
- Browser version
- Device type: Windows/Mac
- Operating System info
Unable to get mic working in session?
Suggestions: Here are some help articles that provide step by step troubleshooting tips.
Whiteboard tools stop working?
- Uninstall Jigsaw App and Extensions and re-install from help desk article link: Test My Computer
- Have end user “Clone Session” excluding whiteboard content
Web Cam not working
- Direct end user to test web cam through Test My Computer to ensure it is being detected
- Try another application that use web cam to ensure hardware is working
- Make sure the web cam is enabled: How to Enable a Web Cam
Screen share issues?
- Uninstall Jigsaw App and Extensions and re-install from help desk article link: Test My Computer
- Review help desk article: Pane 2: Tips For Successful Screen Share or Best Practices for Host and Presenters Using Jigsaw
- Right-click mouse inside of session and select “Refresh Connection”. How to Refresh Connection
- Have end user run speed and ping test prior to joining session and then during session when problem occurs.
Collect the following to provide to Tech Support who can then pull instrumentation logs and check for delays:
- Session Name
- Session Date
- Host email address –user who created session
- Names of user who experienced delays
- Browser version
- Device type: Windows/Mac
- Operating System info
- Have end user reset their router
- Connect to router via Ethernet cable as oppose to Wi-Fi connection. Monitor for differences after changing connection type.
Dropping session or Internet issues?
- Run Speed test:
Gather session name, date of issue, names of those who dropped and timeframe for Support to pull instrumentation
Unable to join a session?
- Check the end date on session/Past Session
- Review help desk article: Why Can’t I Join My Session
- Ask for session link/name or invite and try to join it
- Internal only – Use impersonate tool
- Clear browser cache –location differs depending on browser
- Check network access – send to their Network Admin/IT