The Noteboard in your session is a handy feature that will allow you to take or post notes during your session. This could be personal or group notes (your Host and/or Co-Host has the option to make notes visible to all or have your notes visible only to you and the Host and Co-Host.
- Noteboard Options: Export to PDF.
- Noteboard View: Change between Group and Personal Notes (Host and Co-Host will also have Presenter Notes).
- Maximize Me: Increase view to entire Side Panel.
- UnPin Pane: Open Noteboard in a separate window. You can Repin Panes through icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the Jigsaw Session window.
- Create New Note: Write a new note to post to the Noteboard.
- Added Note: This is where you view notes that have been added to the Noteboard.
- Edit Note: You can edit your Notes that have been added.
- Show More/Less: Show the entire note or less of the note.
- Delete Note: Remove the note from the Noteboard.