The “Your subscription has expired” is caused by:
- The Company account has expired. This is found on the Jigsaw Administration page under that company’s details. Best way to locate is search by the email for the Company Amin.
For example
- Or, when the email id was once associated to a Host account but no longer is a Host. This too can be confirmed by impersonating the Company Admin > Manage Accounts > Licenses and searching for the email getting the message. You should not see the email in the Host list. Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to confirm if the email use to have Host access, but if it does not show in the list and that is the email getting the message, then you can be sure they formerly had Host access.
I admit the message for when #2 is the cause would be better suited as something like this…This email no longer has Host access. Or something along that line.