Q: How long will notes be available in a session?
A: Group notes will be available for 24 hours following a session. You will be able to find a record of all Group notes in the Notes Report following the end of a session. Presenter and Personal Notes will remain available after 24 hours following the end of a session until they are deleted.
The Noteboard will allow all users to take notes at a Personal or Group level. The Host and Co-Hosts are able to export notes as a PDF for review later.
There are character limitations to the Title and Body of the Note:
- The Title has a limitation of 255 characters
- The Body has a limitation of 5000 characters
Once you reach 255 characters in the Title, the Title field will stop allowing characters to be entered. Once you reach 5000 characters in the body, you will receive the following error: Note text is too long. Limit: 5000
Group Notes
The Group Notes are visible to everyone. The Host/Co-Host can select to Hide the notes (see Hide/Show Notes).
Please Note: Group Notes are deleted 24 hours after a session has closed.
Click the down arrow in the heading of the Noteboard to switch views.
Personal Notes
The Personal Notes are private to the individual. Only the person that typed the note can see the notes that have been added under Personal Notes.
Please Note: Personal Notes will remain in a session until deleted with a limit of 50 Notes.
Presenter Notes
Presenter Notes allows the Host or Co-Host to keep notes that are viewable only to them.
Please Note: Presenter Notes will remain in a session until deleted with a limit of 50 Notes.
Create New Notes
1. Click the Create New Notes button to add a note to the Noteboard (this works in Group, Personal, and Presenter Notes).
2. Enter a title (Optional).
3. Type the information to be put in the note. You can also format the text in the note, such as bold, italics, font choice. You can also cut and paste from other sources to put in the note and it will retain the formatting from the original source. Click Save Note to add the note or Cancel to not add note.
Edit Note
1. To edit a note, click the Edit Note (pencil) icon in the note inside Noteboard.
2. Edit the title and/or text of the note, the click Save Note. Click Cancel if not edits are needed.
Show More/Less
Click the Show More/Less icon to view more of the note or less of the note.
Delete Note
The Host and Co-Hosts have the permissions to delete any note saved by an Attendee.
1. Click the Delete Note (trash can) icon to delete the note.
2. Click Yes to confirm or No to go back to the Noteboard without deleting the note.
Delete All Notes
From the Noteboard menu, the Host and Co-Host is able to delete all notes at once. This will come in handy if the session is an Open Session (used more than once) and the Noteboard needs to be wiped for the next session.
1. Click the down menu arrow to the left of the Noteboard header.
2. Select Delete All Notes
3. Confirm the selection to Delete All Notes by clicking Yes. Click No to cancel.
Export as PDF
The Host and Co-Host can export the notes as a PDF file to share with Attendees.
1. Click the down menu arrow to the left of the Noteboard header.
2. Click Export as PDF
3. A preview of the Notes (Noteboard PDF Export) will appear. Click Export as PDF to move to the final step.
4. The PDF settings window will appear. Make sure you have the correct "Printer" selected. If there is any text that has been highlighted, to make that appear select the Background Graphics option. Then click Save.
Hide/Show Notes
The Host and Co-Host can choose to hide all except the individual's notes as well as the Host's and Co-Host's notes or to show all attendees' notes under the Group Notes.
Click the Hide/Show (eye) icon in the lower right of the Noteboard window to move between views.
Q: How long will notes be available in a session?
A: Group notes will be available for 24 hours following a session. Personal Notes will remain available after 24 hours following the end of a session until they are deleted by the creator of the note or the Host/Co-Host. All Notes will be available to the Host/Co-Host in the Notes Report.
The Noteboard will allow Attendees to take notes at a Personal or Group level. Attendees will be able to export notes as a PDF for review.
There are character limitations to the Title and Body of the Note:
- The Title has a limitation of 255 characters
- The Body has a limitation of 5000 characters
Once you reach 255 characters in the Title, the Title field will stop allowing characters to be entered. Once you reach 5000 characters in the body, you will receive the following error: Note text is too long. Limit: 5000
Group Notes
The Group Notes are visible to everyone (when Host/Co-Host has not enabled Hide Notes). If Hide Notes is enabled, the Attendee can see the notes s/he has added, as well as any the Host or Co-Host have added.
Please Note: Group Notes will be automatically removed from the session 24 hours after the session has ended.
Personal Notes
The Personal Notes are private to the Attendee. Only the Attendee can see the notes that have been added under Personal Notes. Personal Notes remain visible to the Attendee as long as the session is available (through the end date) unless deleted by the Attendee or the Host/Co-Host.
Click the down arrow in the heading of the Noteboard and select Personal Notes to switch views.
Create New Notes
1. Click the Create New Notes button to add a note to the Noteboard (this works in either Group or Personal Notes).
2. Enter a title (Optional).
3. Type the information to be put in the note. You can also format the text in the note, such as bold, italics, font choice. You can also cut and paste from other sources to put in the note and it will retain the formatting from the original source. Click Save Note to add the note or Cancel to not add note.
Edit Note
1. To edit a note, click the Edit Note (pencil) icon in the note inside Noteboard.
2. Edit the title and/or text of the note, the click Save Note. Click Cancel if not edits are needed.
Show More/Less
Click the Show More/Less icon to view more of the note or less of the note.
Delete Note
1. Click the Delete Note (trash can) icon to delete the note.
2. Click Yes to confirm or No to go back to the Noteboard without deleting the note.
Export as PDF
Attendees can export notes as a PDF to review later or to just keep track of any notes that were made during a session.
1. Click the down arrow in the upper left of the Noteboard box.
2. Click Export as PDF.
3. A preview of the Notes (Noteboard PDF Export) will appear. Click Export as PDF to move to the final step.
4. The PDF settings window will appear. Make sure you have the correct "Printer" selected. If there is any text that has been highlighted, to make that appear select the Background Graphics option. Then click Save.