Q: What is an Quick Poll?
A: A Quick Poll is a quick and easy way to poll session attendees “on-the-fly” from within the session.
Create a Quick Poll
The Host and/or Co-Host may create the poll while in the session.
1. From the Global Attendee Option menu click on Quick Poll under Feedback.
2. Choose Create Poll.
3. Give the poll a name and type the question you want to ask. Enter possible answers by clicking the “+” sign. The default answers are “yes” and “no”. You can click inside those fields to change them.
4. Once the poll has been created, choose the Save / Start Poll button to launch the poll to all attendees.
The Attendee sees the Poll as a pop-up in the session. The Quick Poll modal can be moved around in case the Attendee needs to see any part of the session.
The Host or Co-Host sees attendee names and responses as each person completes their answer.
A pie chart view is also available by clicking the Chart tab. You can also see the pie chart when you click Copy to Whiteboard to have the results shared with the Attendees.
5. Once all responses are completed click "End poll".
Edit a Poll
Once a poll is created, the Host and/or Co-Host can edit it.
1. If viewing the poll, click Return to List. Otherwise, go to the Global Attendee Options menu and click Quick Poll. This will bring the list of Polls for the session into view.
2. From the list, click the name of the Poll to edit. This brings up the same form as creating a Quick Poll, but with all the information entered so you can edit the fields already created. Make changes to the poll that are needed (including a new name). Click Save / Start Poll to release the new poll for answers.
3. If the poll is changed, it will appear as a second poll in the list.