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Main Room Chat

My Font Settings

Send Main Room Chat

Broadcast Chat

Lock/Unlock Group Chat

Join and Leave Notifications

Send Direct Chat

Lock/Unlock Direct Chat

Delete Chat Messages

Use Maximize Me

Unpin Chat Pane


Q:  How long will chats be available in a session?

A:  The last 50 Group Chats will be available for 24 hours after a session and the last 50 Direct Chats from any user will be remain available after 24 hours following the end of a session.  This includes the System Notification entries that appear when any user joins or exits a session. 

A record of all chats will still be available in the chat reports following the end of a session.


Main Room Chat

Use the Main Room chat to send messages to all participants. The Host or Co-Host can "lock" and "unlock" this chat area for all session attendees at any time during the live session. They can also delete all or individual chat messages. All chats are saved to the Chat reports and can be accessed by the Host.



My Font Settings

You can set the font style that appears in the chat for your own viewing. The options include:

  • Font Size
  • Font Style
  • Bold
  • Underline
  • Italics

This is how it will appear on the individual level so each attendee is able to set it for their own viewing of the Chat.



Send Main Room Chat

To send a message to everyone in the session, click the text box denoted by " Type your message here" in the Main Room chat pane.

Enter your message by hitting the Enter key or the arrow on the right.



To delete a message, click the "trash can" icon.

To edit a message, click the "pencil" icon. 

Please Note:  Chats older than 1 hour cannot be edited



Broadcast Chat

Chats can be broadcasted across all rooms in a session.  If attendees are in multiple rooms, the Host and Co-Host can send a message through the Group Chat to all rooms (Main Room, BORs, and Test Room).



When the Host or Co-Host checks the box in the chat field, it will tell the message to be broadcasted to all rooms in the session.



Lock/Unlock Group Chat

When the Main Room chat is unlocked, all Attendees can actively send chat messages.

Lock Group Chat

To Lock the Main Room, Click the Chat Options menu and Lock Group Chat.



When the Main Room chat is locked, the Host and Co-Host see this image.



All other attendees see the following message in the text box: "The chat is locked!". This disables entering text into the chat area until the Host or Co-Presenters unlocks the chat area.



Unlock Group Chat

To unlock the Host or Co-Host can click Unlock Group Chat.


Join and Leave Notifications

When a user joins or leaves a session, a notification message will appear in the Main Room Chat. This message will be labeled as a System Notification. Keep in mind, that leave messages will only appear once a user fully drops from a session - up to 2 minutes after they disconnect.join.pngleave.png

This is an Add-On feature.  For more information, contact your Sales Representative.

Send Direct Chat

To send a direct chat, click on the icon to the right of the individual attendee's name.


Note: You will not see this icon to the right of your own name as part of the functional design of direct chat. It is intended to directly communicate with another participant in the session privately.


The Main Room header changes to the name of the attendee you clicked to Direct Chat. You can now begin typing messages which will be visible between you and that attendee only.



Use the drop-down to return back to the Main Room chat.



When someone sends you a Direct Chat, you will see a gray icon appear. Click it to begin speaking directly to the attendee only.



Note:  You are able to view Direct Chats for Everyone in the session.  For more information, visit Main Room Attendees List.

Lock/Unlock Direct Chat

Lock Direct Chat

To Lock Direct Chat, Click the Chat Options menu and Lock Direct Chat.



When the Main Room chat is locked, the Host and Co-Host sees this image.


This disables entering text into the Direct Chat area until the Host or Co-Presenters unlocks the Direct Chat.


Unlock Direct Chat

To unlock the Host or Co-Host can click Unlock Direct Chat.



Delete Chat Messages

The Host and Co-Host can remove all chats from the Main Room chat by choosing Delete All Chat Messages.



To remove individual messages from chat area, click the chat_-_del_icon.png icon to remove one line item.


Note: All chats are still saved to the Chat reports after they have been deleted within a session.


Use Maximize Me

Click the Maximize Me chat-_mm_icon.png icon to expand the chat pane.



This is how the Chat Pane looks prior to using Maximize Me.



Click Maximize Me to allow the chat pane to expand.



Use Minimize Me

Click the Minimize Me chat_-_mini.png icon to minimize the chat pane.



The chat pane will return to its normal position in the session.



Unpin Chat Pane

All attendees have the ability to "unpin" the Chat pane allowing participants to move it to another area on their desktop or onto an extended monitor display. This allows for better viewing of the chat pane.


Click Unpin.



The Chat Pane will detached from the chat area into a separate window. You can move this window anywhere on your desktop or extended monitors.



To close the chat pane window and return it back to the session area, click the 'X' found on the right of the window.



Or Click the Repin menu on the Session Toolbar below Pane 3 and select Repin Chat.





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