Screen Sharing in Jigsaw
Screen Share is a feature that allows you to share information from your computer with all session attendees. With Jigsaw's Screen Sharing capabilities, you could:
- Desktop Share
- Application Share
- Audio in Screen Sharing
- Show My Screen Share
- Share One or Multiple* Screens
- Remote Access
*Note: Multiple Screen Share is an add-on feature that must be requested by your company administrator. Further details will be provided upon request by your administrator. Please have your Administrator contact your Sales Representative.
Q: Can attendees share their desktops?
A: Yes, if the Host or Co-Host invites an attendee to share. The Host or Co-Host must turn on Screen Share for the Attendee.
Q: Where do attendees see a desktop or application that is shared?
A: Attendees see a shared desktop or application in Pane 2. They will need to maximize Pane 2 and, depending upon the size of each user's screen, they may also minimize the right side bar for more viewing area.
Q: If I am using Server Side Recording (SSR) and “sharing”, will that be viewable in the recording?
A: Yes, however the person who is “sharing” their desktop must maximize Pane 2 and collapse the right side bar so that the entire screen is picked up in the recording.
Screen Share Requirements
Screen Sharing is now available:
through the Browser
- Chrome (includes Audio) - RECOMMENDED
- Edge (includes Audio) - RECOMMENDED
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chrome (includes Audio) - RECOMMENDED
by Installing the Jigsaw App. The app supports the following the tools:
- Remote Access
- Screen Capture Tools
- Screen Sharing with Audio
Screen Sharing via Browser
It is possible to screen share in Jigsaw using only the browser (without installing the Jigsaw App). You will not have such functions as Remote Access, Copy/Paste in Pane 2 and Whiteboard, or Insert Screenshot from Pane 2 and Whiteboard. You will have the option to include Audio if using Chrome or Edge.
1. Choose Screen Sharing
2. Click on the white Start Sharing button in the Pane 2 title bar or the Start Sharing button inside the Pane 2 window.
3. Next, click the bullet next Browser Screen Sharing. This will allow you to share without having the Jigsaw App installed. Some tools will not be usable, such as Remote Access and Screen Capturing tools in Pane 2 and Whiteboard. Then click Continue.
4. Next, you will have options on what content to share:
- Entire Screen (Can share audio)
- Window
- Chrome Tab (Can share audio)
Note: The "Share system audio" option is not available when sharing the "Entire Screen" on MacOS devices.
5. Click Share
6. To Stop Sharing, Click the Stop Sharing button in the Pane 2 Title Pane.
How to Install the Jigsaw App from within the Session (Windows)
You can also install from within the Session. For instructions on how to complete those steps, visit How to Install the Jigsaw App article.
We recommend installing the Jigsaw App prior to joining your session. This will save time and prepare for your session. Go to the Test My Computer screen before your session located under the Profile icon. This is the best practice for installing the Jigsaw App. Visit How to Install the Jigsaw App.
How to Uninstall the Jigsaw App (Windows)
To uninstall the Jigsaw App from your Windows or Mac computer, review this information: Uninstalling the Jigsaw App.
Screen Share with the Jigsaw App
1. The Host or Co-Host is able to share his screen or invite others to share theirs by choosing Screen Share.
2. Click on the white Start Sharing button in the Pane 2 title bar or the Start Sharing button inside the Pane 2 window.
3. Next, click the bullet next Jigsaw App. You will need to have the Jigsaw App installed to use this option. Then click Continue.
4. Next you will select what content to share and can Include Audio if needed:
- Desktops
- Applications
Please Note: If you choose to include Audio with the Jigsaw App, all users should mute their mics. Otherwise, anyone talking or other sound will echo. If you choose to talk during the Screen Share when Audio is shared, click the Audio icon located in the Pane 2 Title Pane.
5. You will see the message "You are now sharing your screen with Everyone" in Pane 2. Screen share is now active.
6. To stop sharing your screen, click Manage Sharing found in the middle of the Pane 2 heading.
7. Click Stop Sharing.
Switching Sharing Options
If you need to switch between Browser Sharing and Jigsaw App Sharing, you can click the down arrow in Pane 2 while the Screen Sharing is enabled and choose 'Select Sharing Options'.
The Sharing Screen to select Browser Screen Sharing and Jigsaw App will appear for you to select the mode of sharing you need.
Audio in Screen Sharing
Please Note: This feature is only available for Presenters using Windows OS.
For audio to be heard by attendees when screen sharing, the user screen sharing will check the box next to Include Audio.
Once audio is selected, a Mute/Unmute option will be available at the bottom of the Welcome to Screen Share window
And at the top of Pane 2 after closing the Welcome to Screen Share window.
This is an important tool if the Host and/or Co-Host wishes to hold discussion while the Screen Sharing with audio is enabled.
Once Audio is selected, it is best practice to have all users MUTE their microphones. If any discussion needs to be held while the Screen Sharing is on, click the speaker in the Pane 2 Title Bar or in the Screen Share window to mute the audio.
This will prevent an echo from being heard when mics are turned back on and users are speaking. To continue the Screen Sharing with audio, have users turn off their mics and click the Speaker Button to turn audio back on.
If using Browser Sharing with Audio, the mute is not available. The echo does not occur with Browser Sharing, so there is no need to mute the Audio while Screen Sharing. If you need to Pause or Mute the Audio from the video you are sharing, do so from the source of the video.
Show My Screen Sharing
The person who is sharing their screen now has the ability to see the content that they are sharing in Pane 2.
1. Click on the white Start Sharing button.
2. Click Share.
Note: You can choose either desktop or application share.
3. Click Close.
4. Click Show My Screen Sharing.
5. The person sharing will now see what they are sharing in Pane 2.
Hide "Show My Screen Sharing"
Click "hide" on lower left corner of Pane 2 to hide the sharer's screen.
Using One or Multiple Screen Shares
Note: Multiple Screen Share is an add on feature that must be requested by your company administrator. Further details will be provided upon request by your Sales Representative.
1. The Host or Co-Host must move to Pane 2 > Screen Sharing. When this happens, all attendees will see the "Waiting for Screen Share to begin." message.
2. In order to invite an attendee to share their screen, the Host or Co-Host must locate that name in the attendee list. Click the gear icon and select "Unlock Screen Share".
3. Choose who should see the sharer's screen.
Note: If the Host or Co-Host selects the "Host and Co-Host only" option, then the Attendee's screen will be shared privately with just the Host and Co-Host only.
4. Only attendees who have been invited to share their screen will see the white "Screen Sharing" button. They will also see the "Welcome to Screen Share" message. Click "Share" and then follow your browser's prompts for sharing.
The Sharer will see the following message once they click the white Screen Sharing button if sharing with Host and Co-Host only is selected.
Note: If the person sharing decides to click "Show My Screen Sharing, they will then see what is being shared.
When the screen shared is seen only to the Host and Co-Host, all other viewers will see this message.
If the Host or Co-Host selects the "Everyone" option, then the attendee's screen will be shared with all participants in the session. The Sharer will see the following message for this option.
Note: If the sharer decides to click "Show My Screen Sharing, they will then see what is being shared.
Multiple Screen Share View
To add more screen shares, unlock sharing for each individual attendee.
Zoom In/Out
To zoom for greater clarity, click then drag the zoom controller.
When multiple screen shares are running (4 or more), users may view in grid or filmstrip views.
Filmstrip View
You can view the screens in a film strip view.
Grid View
You can switch between film strip view and grid view.
Grid View
Full Screen View
When multiple screen shares are running, users may view each individual sharer's screen in full screen view.
Click on the "Full Screen" icon on the lower left hand corner of the sharer's screen.
Full Screen View is now active. The other sharer's screen will become hidden.
Exit Full Screen View
To exit full screen and "unhide" the other screens that are sharing, click the "Exit Full Screen" icon .
Remote Access
The Remote Access feature allows participants to access other user's computers via Pane 2. The Host or Co-Host can gain remote access to an attendee’s computer or an attendee could gain remote access to the Host/Co-Host’s computer. If you do not have Remote Access, have your Administrator contact your Account Manager to see if this is an option for your organization.
1. Locate the attendee whose desktop you want to control remotely and unlock screen share.
2. The attendee will need to share their desktop by clicking the green "Share" button.
3. To allow remote access to the Host or Co-Host, the attendee should select the name of the person and then click the green “Give Remote Access” button. Click "Close".
4. The person, whom access has been given, is prompted with a remote access message. Click "Yes".
Note for Mac Users: When using Remote Access, Mac Users have to ALLOW the Jigsaw App in their accessibility settings.
This message will appear when giving access to the Mac User's computer.
To get to these Accessibility Features, go to: Security & Privacy > Unlock > Accessibility > Add the JigsawApp
5. Once remote access has been given, the person who gave the access will see the "Give Remote Access" button in red and the red “Stop Sharing” button.
Remote Access is now active. Click "Close" to continue remote access of user's computer.
Remote Sharing can be stopped two ways:
1. The person who has remote control may stop by clicking "Release Remote Access" denoted by a "X" in the right corner of Pane 2.
2. The person who has allowed control can click the red "Stop Sharing" button to release access.