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October 10, 2019

Phone Audio - Applied overall optimizations to phone and integrated audio. 

Presentations / Documents - Applied a fix to correct the alignment of presentations or documents in a 2 pane session when enabling the whiteboard. (#2512)

Chat - Applied a fix to correct the "lock" and "unlock" for the Main Room and Direct Chat. (#2577 / #2545 / 1976)

Temporary Password - Updated the temporary passwords which are sent via email to recognize the same number of required elements requested on the user profile. (#2419)

Profile Password - The "Change password" fields have been vertically aligned. (#2503)

Web Cam Mirroring - Enabling or disabling mirroring has been updated to work in grid view. (#2525)

Session Assets - Applied an update so that when editing the name of a Session Asset, the edited name properly syncs to the session side. (#2420)

Email Already Exist - Corrected the issue causing the error message that the "email address is already in the system" when attempting to update and save profile edits.   (#2538)

Email Invitation - Corrected the automated emails to show the correct URL in the Session Reminder and the Invite Guest emails. (#2538)

Jigsaw Company - Fixed the error received when creating new companies in the 5.1 environment. (#2548)

Host CSV Import - Added the ability to enable Dashboard access during the import process for Host accounts. (#1961)

Whiteboard - Corrected starting page on the whiteboard when moving into a breakout room. (#2668)

Whiteboard - Fixed issue causing error when attempting to edit/delete a group of objects on the whiteboard. (#2584)

My Audios - Added the ability to clone "My Audios". (#2431)

My Web Links - Added the ability to clone "My Web Links". (#2431)

Audios / Videos - Applied a fix that corrected the videos and audios seen in the main session by attendees returning from a breakout room. (#2346) 

Settings - For attendees in the session on computer and using phone audio, a fix was applied to their Settings. (#2507) 

Presenter Image - A fix was made so that the image added on the profile correctly displays in the session for the Host and Co-Presenter. (#1936)

Documents - When only "Document" assets are added to Pane 2 and user first joins the session, a fix was made so that users see "Documents" by default instead of "Screen Share". (#2112)

Server Side Recording - The error causing the "recording in progress" message has been corrected. (#2529)

Import Attendees - Applied an update to the .csv import file. (#1795)

Application Sharing - Applied a fix so that when sharing an application users only see the current application shared vs the entire desktop. (#2376)

Application Sharing - Corrected the end user messaging when sharing an application. (#2383)

Remote Access - Applied a fix so that a person who is dialed in via only a telephone does not show in the Screen Share > Remote Access drop-down list. (#1849)

Folders - Applied a fix so that Host can delete folders they created in the Asset Library. (#2229)

Browser Message - Updated messaging for out of date browsers. (#2457)

Remove Session Attendee - Fixed the error when attempting to remove one or more attendees. (#2493)

Logging / Instrumentation - Applied several updates for Dashboard and Reporting data. 




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