October 30, 2019
- Added levels of security when joining a session using Session Links - Password Not Required.
- Applied a fix so the Presenter can add assets to a session.
- Applied a fix correcting the problem where downloading .tiff attachment in Firefox navigates user away from session.
- Applied a fix so the Presenter can add assets to a session.
Attendee Manager:
- Applied a fix so that attendees are not duplicated when added to a group through the Attendee Manager.
Direct Chat History:
- Applied a fix correcting the date in the Direct Chat history.
Cannot Edit/Delete Anything:
- Applied a fix so the user is not able to delete or edit assets when the Company Admin sets the "Cannot Edit/Delete Anything" at the company level.
- Applied a fix to show profile and avatar images on user's profile.
- Applied a fix so a Captcha will appear after 3 consecutive failed login attempts.
- Applied a fix so a Captcha and/or Locking will occur after consecutive failed login attempts associated with an IP address.
- Applied a fix so the Undo continues to function properly when pages are added to the Whiteboard beyond page 1.
Session Set Up:
- Applied a fix so that when saving a 2 Pane session, it is not saved as as a 4 Pane session.
- Applied a fix to prevent SSR from recording after BOR has been closed and from those recordings to duplicate/triplicate under the Recorded Tab on the My Sessions Screen.
CSV Export:
- Applied a fix to export CSV from Asset Library without error.