November 14, 2019
PDF Exports:
- Applied a fix to allow PDF Exports from Whiteboard, Noteboard, Chat, and Annotated Presentations and Documents to support multi-language fonts. (#1846)
- Applied a fix so Group Notes from BOR do not appear in Main Room Group Notes, ability for Host/Co-P to delete only their Personal Noteboard notes without affecting other users, ability for users to Delete All Notes in their Personal Noteboard, ability to export Noteboard PDF. (#1869)
- Applied a fix so deleted notes do not reappear after exiting a BOR. (#2540)
BreakOut Room:
- Applied a fix so a user who leaves a session from a BOR can re-enter session after BOR has been closed. (#1871)
- Applied a fix so the BOR Manager detects changes being made to individual BORs. (#2365)
- Applied a fix so closing breakout rooms does not result in an error. (#2799)
- Applied a fix so Bring-Back PDFs are not generated twice for same BOR when rooms are closed. (#2914)
- Applied a fix so Presenters can delete BORs. (#2955)
- Applied a fix to disable PDFs when a BOR is closed. (#3067)
- Applied a fix so user IDs appearing in BOR Manager are the same as in Attendee List. (#3104)
- Applied a fix to allow attendees in a BOR to continue working after all Hosts/Presenters have left the session. (#3115)
- Applied a fix so BORs close when closed by Host and PDFs are generated. (#3162)
Landing Page:
- Applied a fix so Firefox would recognize multiple mics installed on a computer. (#1921)
- Applied a fix to remove error when testing camera on Landing Page. (#2916)
- Applied a fix to prevent error when testing microphone on Landing or Test My Computer screen. (#3004)
- Applied a fix to load the Landing Page correctly on Mac OSx and Chrome. (#3095)
Step Away:
- Applied a fix so when multiple attendees are in Step Away mode and one returns, the list does not refresh to mark all attendees returned. (#1974)
Insert Screenshot:
- Applied a fix so when Annotations are enabled in Pane 2 and user inserts screenshot or pastes graphic in Pane 4, the image does not appear in Pane 2. (#2019)
- Added a notification for users if they are using an outdated browser or device when joining a session. (#2145, #2776)
- Added information to Attendee's session profile which provides browser and OS information. (#2832)
- Applied a fix so when users are removed from a session due to lost connection, they are able to rejoin the session without the host needing to clone the session and distributing a new link. (#2177)
- Applied a fix so users who are joining a session when already in a session using the same browser do not receive a connection error. (#2999)
- Applied a fix that will allow audio files to play when session size exceeds 40 attendees. (#2301)
- Applied a fix so audio/video is playing for all in Pane 1. (#3032)
- Applied a fix so attendees see the Jigsaw Logo when Host is viewing the audio files in Pane 1. (#3085)
- Applied a fix to show correct elapsed time on video for all in Pane 1. (#3086)
- Applied a fix so sound cannot be heard through Computer when in a Phone Audio Only session. (#3159)
- Applied a fix so users joining a session while an asset is playing in Pane 1 will hear the audio. (#3168)
- Applied a fix so users moving in or out of a BOR will hear or see the correct audio/video being played in Pane 1 for that room. (#3170)
Web Cam:
- Applied a fix so cameras fit in the pane after Pane 1 is maximized/minimized. (#2565)
- Applied a fix so cameras would not minimize when using Slide or Note view in Pane 2. (#2581)
- Applied a fix to prevent cameras from going black when switching between grid and filmstrip or using scroll in Pane 1. (#3164)
Screen Sharing:
- Applied a fix so screen sharing remained focused on the application being shared when opening and closing dialog box or when multiple users are sharing. (#2585)
My Session Screen / Upcoming List:
- Applied a fix so all sessions appear correctly when sorted by Start Date. (#2628)
Web Links:
- Applied a fix so that web links would clone when a session was cloned. (#2651, #3101)
Phone/Computer Audio:
- Applied a fix so phone users are not hearing double audio through the phone and the computer. (#2654)
- Applied a fix so phone audio user who is muted in a BOR is muted when moved to the Main Room. (#2798)
- Applied a fix so icons differ between a disabled phone audio user and phone audio not yet connected. (#2896)
- Applied a fix so phone audio users appear in the attendee list in the BOR Manager. (#2919)
- Applied a fix so attendees using phone audio appear in Instant Poll list while Phone Audio Only users do not appear. (#2922)
- Applied a fix so Phone and Computer Audio users are able to hear one another in a session. (#3114)
- Added notifications when a user's microphone, camera, or screen share loses connection. (#2681)
- Updated notifications on Test My Computer page when checking connection and connection established. (#2950)
- Applied a fix so that a link in chat is not truncated after a second colon is used. (#2685)
- Applied a fix so Co-Presenter is able to see Direct Chats when the Chat is unpinned. (#3034)
Information Links:
- Updated the links leading from the "i" (Information) icons to related Help Articles. (#2694)
Outlook Invitation:
- Applied a fix so the Outlook Invitation would download when clicking the Download button for Outlook Invitation on the Details (#1) screen when creating or editing a session. (#2710)
Laser Pointer:
- Applied a fix so that a laser pointer used in Pane 2 on documents or presentations is not duplicated in Pane 4 when the user is viewing documents or presentations. (#2713)
Instant Polls:
- Applied a fix so that the Host and Co-Presenter do not appear as a string of letters and numbers for pollers in an Instant Poll. (#2715)
Session Timers:
- Applied a fix so that timers are not covered by the Show/Hide Whiteboard icon or the Overlay Camera icon in a 2-Pane session or BOR. (#2716)
Joining/Exiting Session:
- Applied a fix so attendees could not enter session before a Host or Co-Presenter joins the session. (#2768)
- Applied a fix so the message "Please wait for the presenter to join the session" is received when the first user to join a session is an attendee. (#3040)
- Applied a fix so attendees in BOR will be moved to the Main Room with message "Please wait for the presenter to join the session" after 2 minutes have elapsed since Host has left the session. (#3071, #3108)
- Applied a fix so the Host or Presenter can re-join session within 2 minutes after exiting when only attendees are present. (#3107)
- Applied a fix so the Whiteboard unlocks when first initialized by the Co-Presenter when the Host is not in the session. (#2833)
User Interface:
- Applied a fix so scaling Pane 4 does not scale Pane 2. (#2891)
- Applied a fix to correctly adjust the footer bar in Pane 1. (#3002)
- Applied a fix so notification of paused/stopped recordings do not appear twice. (#2936)
- Applied a fix to prevent phone audio from dropping in SSR. (#2969)
- Applied a fix so a Presenter can move into a BOR when the SSR is started in the Main Room. (#2982)
- Applied a fix so assets would load from Assets (#3) screen when creating a session without error. (#3025)
- Applied a fix so documents do not result in a conversion error when added directly to a session or when adding a different document to the Asset Library while reporting "converting". (#3118)
- Applied a fix so assets released during a session are released immediately. (#3155)
Jigsaw App:
- Added a 64-bit version of the Jigsaw App. (#3091, #3112)
Enforce Start Time:
- Applied a fix so the Enforce Start Time adjusts to Daylight Savings Time. (#3128, #3138)
- Applied a fix so microphones and web cams work on iPads. (#3165)