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December 4, 2019


Co-Host Role:

  • Applied a new role, Co-Host, to sessions. (#2937)
  • Co-Host role is available for Hosts to set under Session Attendees. (#3247)

Attendees List:

  • Added the connectivity checker to detect poor connection. Attendee name will turn orange (#2543)

Jigsaw App:

  • Added a test message on the Landing Page to "Check" for the Jigsaw App on the user's computer along with the version of app installed.  If the app is not installed or the most recent version, a download link will appear. (#2653)

REST API Extended:

  • Added the ability to push assets in to the Company Asset Library in Jigsaw from an API and identify them as Uploaded by "API". (#2719)
  • Added the ability to block the release/exporting/downloading of Assets when added to a session by an API. (#2721, 2722)
  • Added the ability to prevent releasing assets in Pane 2 and 4 if added by an API. (#2943)

Company Level Triggers

  • Added the ability to disable PDFs exports within a session from the company account level. (#2941)




  • Applied a fix so user switching to phone audio in a BOR will hear the Jigsaw Integrated Phone message. (#2879)
  • Applied a fix so when computer audio user joins session after clearing cache where Host has Allowed Only One Mic, mic icon appears as red icon and user can allow mic. (#2892)
  • Applied a fix so a phone audio user is able to dial in if the session has started. (#2912)
  • Applied a fix so when a host exits a session and returns after 2 minutes, Phone Audio users rejoin the session from the "Please wait for the presenter to join the session" screen. (#2931)
  • Applied a fix preventing audio feedback when a user moves to a BOR and switches from Computer Audio to Phone Audio. (#3203)
  • Applied a fix so phone audio users can be heard throughout a session by computer audio users. (#3262)
  • Applied a fix allowing active presenter to remove phone audio user from session. (#3264)
  • Applied a fix allowing active presenter to change the state of mic/phone for an attendee. (#3268)
  • Applied a fix so audio stops when microphone is disabled. (#3286)
  • Applied a fix so Enforce Start Time - Every Day works properly when user connects to a session using Phone Audio. (#3297)

Breakout Room:

  • Released documents and presentations from Pane 2 in a BOR instantly creates My Documents and My Presentations in Pane 4. (#3093)
  • Applied a fix to move attendees back to the Main Room if the Host has left the session and remains out for greater than 2 minutes. (#3150)
    Applied a fix that increased the response time when closing BOR with PDF bring backs. (#3192)Applied a fix that would close BORs when the Host or Co-Presenter would requested the room(s) to be closed, moved all attendees and presenter to Main Room, and visually displayed BOR was closed. (#3215)Applied a fix so a Co-Host can close a BOR when in that BOR. (#3360)


  • Updated unsupported browser screen to reflect supported browser versions. (#3037)


  • Applied a fix which keeps the Direct Chat window visible and the Co-Presenter available in recipient list when chatting with a Co-Presenter while moving in and out of a BOR by the Host or other Presenters. (#3246)


  • Applied a fix to send cancellations notices to attendees when session is cancelled, move assets, SSRs, and Attendees to new host when a Host selects "Forget Me" under GDPR. (#3003)
  • Applied a fix to prevent sections from duplicated when Active Sessions are moved to a new host when current host selects "Forget Me" under GDPR for Company Settings. (#3124)

Instant Poll:

  • Applied a fix so all answers are visible, whether there are responses or not, when the chart is copied to the Whiteboard. (#2396)
  • Applied a fix to allow the Instant Poll pop-up window to be dragged anywhere in the Jigsaw session by attendees. (#2428)
  • Applied a fix so phone audio users appear correctly in the Instant Poll participant list. (#3127)

Jigsaw App:

  • Applied a fix so user is prompted in pane 2 to install the Jigsaw App. (#3307)

Screen Sharing:

  • Applied a fix to allow presenters to switch applications when screen sharing. (#1824)
  • Applied a fix so the screen share size appears correct when sharing. (#1966)
  • Applied a fix that would instantly restart screen sharing after an user was reconnected if user was screen sharing at the time of the disconnect. (#2466)
  • Applied a fix so that when a presenter is sharing an application then opens the Screen Share Dialog box, the application is still the only item able to be viewed. (#2585)
  • Applied a fix that allows a presenter to properly share app or entire screen when switching between the two. (#3041)
  • Applied a fix so only a specific app is shared when Application sharing is turned on. (#3160)
  • Applied a fix so Screen Sharing window size can be changed using scaling tool. (#3287)
  • Applied a fix so Screen Sharing dialog window continues to work after several uses in a session. (#3282)
  • Applied a fix to allow the Host to unlock screen sharing for the Co-Host. (#3311)

Session Notifications:

  • Applied a fix to save notification settings when an user changes them in a session then leaves for more than 2 minutes. (#1983)

Session Recording (SSR):

  • Applied a fix so SSR picks up sound and video streams at the time of their start. (#2963)
  • Optimizations applied to SSR when using phone audio. (#2969)
  • Applied a fix so a SSR that is initialized in the Main Room but not started is paused when the Host moves into a BOR and there are no attendees in the Main Room. (#3069)
  • Applied a fix to show Host the actual state of the SSR when a recording is started in the Main Room then the Host moves into a BOR to start a recording then back into the Main Room. (#3182)
  • Applied a fix to allow the downloading of recordings to occur when they have special characters in the name such as ™ or ®. (#3205)
  • Applied a fix so phone and computer audio can be mixed in a session and audio will be picked up in the SSR. (#3239)

Text Box Tool:

  • Applied a fix to save text color changes when using the text box tool. (#2159)

Web Cam:

  • Applied a fix so web cam is removed from Pane 1 when user leaves session and web cam is turned on. (#3140)

Other Fixes

  • Applied a fix so Pane 2's size remains as set for user after host maximizes then minimizes pane for all. (#2778)
  • Applied fix to log iPad iOS version correctly. (#2859)
  • Fixed non-Latin characters so the names properly appear in the Session Attendees. (#2920)
  • Applied a fix so all lines in the notes of Presentations appear in Notes View. (#2957)
  • Applied a fix so when a Co-Presenter views the Host and Co-Host attendee menus, they appear the same. (#3312)
  • Applied a fix so when the Side Bar, Attendee List, Chat, and Notes are unpinned the user can use the tools. (#3361)

Session Setting Errors:

  • Corrected the issue causing an error when the end time appears before the start time but actually occurs on a later date than the start date. (#3134)
  • Applied a fix so that the "Enforce Start Time - Every Day" works properly based on Host's time zone set in their user Profile. (#3225)
  • Applied a fix so when the Host makes changes to a session while users are in the session, those changes take effect for users with a refresh of the browser without effecting other areas of the session. (#3299)



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