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March 6, 2020




  • Added an onscreen notification on the Asset Library and Session Asset screens to alert when an asset has finished the conversion process. (#3737)

Foreign Languages:

  • Added the ability for Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish to be typed directly on the Noteboard, Chat, and Whiteboard. (#3167)

Home Page

  • Added the session link on the "My Sessions" screen that can be copied with just a click. This is available to the Hosts and Co-Hosts. (#2505)

Personal Web Cam Recording:

  • Added personal webcam recording. (#3509 , #3573, #3581, #3583, #4036)
    • Note - this is an add on option. For additional detail contact your Sales Representative.

Supported Browsers:

  • Now supporting Microsoft Edge for hosting and joining a Jigsaw session. (#3803)

Raise Hand:

  • Added new functionality so when attendees use the Raise Hand feature, the Attendees List shows them in the order in which they raised their hand. (#3706, #3967, #3968)




  • Applied an update to set a Session's End Date as the Term's End Date when the End Date field is empty. (#3976)


  • Applied a fix so when Sorting is cleared in the Asset Library, Assets are sorted by date when new assets are added. (#3841)


  • Applied a fix so iPad users would not lose audio when the Host refreshed the browser. (#3723)
  • Applied a fix so sound is not lost in recording when in a Phone Only session. (#3744)
  • Applied a fix to hang up phone audio when the Session Setting audio field is changed. (#3838)
  • Applied a fix so when switching from Allowing One Mic to Multiple Mics, the attendee's microphone does not turn on. (#3875)
  • Applied a fix so iPad user does not need to allow cam and mic in order to hear other attendees' audio in a session (#3949)
  • Applied a fix so when a session is selected on the Asset Manager screen and an asset is uploaded, it is added to that session. (#3970)
  • Applied a fix so iPad users can hear the Host after the Host mutes and unmutes mic. (#4112)
  • Applied a fix to prevent phone users and computer audio users from sounding choppy when in session together. (#4117)

Breakout Rooms:

  • Applied a fix so Hosts and Co-Hosts are able to delete BORs. (#3699)
  • Applied a fix so BOR names can only contain allowed characters. (#3914)
  • Applied a fix so attendees have restricted access to BORs when setting is "Allow Assigned Attendees to Move in Room and attendees are not assigned to the BOR. (#3926)
  • Applied a fix to stabilize webcams, audio, and screen sharing in BORs. (#4049)


  • Applied a fix to display webcam correctly for iPad users on Landing Page. (#2874)
  • Applied a fix so iPad users do not get kicked from the session when saving/exporting PDFs. (#3620)
  • Applied a fix to prevent audio notification from appearing when moving iPad users to BORs. (#3860)
  • Applied a fix to correct the session crashing on an iPad when any user changes mic setting. (#3681)

Jigsaw App:

  • Applied a fix allowing Firefox to correctly recognize the installation of the Jigsaw App when screen sharing. (#3554)
  • Applied a fix to prevent multiple screens from sharing when using the Jigsaw App to screen sharing. (#3570)
  • Applied a fix so Microsoft Edge users will not receive a message that the Jigsaw App is not supported on Edge. (#4031)

Landing Page:

  • Applied an update to remove the auto-refresh for the media connection. (#3798)
  • Applied a fix so the connectivity test is performed automatically - Chrome Users may need to click Alert. (#4037)
  • Applied a fix so when multiple users are on the Landing Page, their testing is not impacted. (#4068)

Mic/WebCam Icon:

  • Applied a fix so the color of Mic/WebCam icon changes when the user has allowed cam/mic. (#4046)


  • Applied a fix so annotated files can be saved in Pane 2. (#3938)
  • Applied a fix so annotated files are not merged when Saving as a PDF. (#4102)

Refresh Session Settings:

  • Applied an update so a confirmation is seen when a Host/Co-Host/Co-Presenter clicks on Refresh Session Settings under Global Attendee Options. (#4054)

Screen Sharing:

  • Corrected the "leaky" background image when application sharing. (#3396)

Test My Computer Page:

  • Applied a fix so the Test My Computer page recognizes the Microsoft Edge browser. (#3969)
  • Applied an update to the Test Session link on the Test My Computer page (#4104)


  • Applied an update allowing a maximum of 50 webcams to be turned on at the same time in a single room. (#3972)


  • Applied a fix so when multiple items are selected on the Whiteboard and the host refreshes the connection (clicks Refresh Connection), attendees do not see adverse actions in the session. (#3893)
  • Applied a fix so the Whiteboard loads when entering a session. (#3894)


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