August 28, 2020
- Expanded API integrations with Buzz and Canvas LMS applications.
Breakout Rooms
- Added the ability to "edit" the breakout room name in the room list.
System Optimizations
- Overall system optimizations for improved application performance.
- Applied a fix to remove students from Jigsaw sessions when they are removed from classes in Canvas. (6254)
- Applied a fix to reactivate a session that is active in Canvas but cancelled via Jigsaw. (6256)
- Applied a fix to not update existing teachers' first and/or last names during a Canvas/Jigsaw API Sync. (6410)
- Applied a fix to resolve previously deleted assets from appearing the the Session Assets. (5848)
- Applied a fix to permanently remove assets from the Asset list when deleted. (6185)
Breakout Rooms
- Applied a fix to show correct attendees after Page 1 on the Attendee Grid of the Breakout Room Manager. (6182)
- Applied fix to show all Session Attendees when "Show Invitees" is selected. (6325)
- Applied fix to show correct room assignments when using "auto-assign". (6326)
- Applied a fix to assign more than 100 session attendees to breakout rooms when using "auto-assign". (6348)
- Applied a fix to show cleared filters correctly based on checked/unchecked status of Show Invitees in the Breakout Room Manager. (6351)
- Applied a fix to show online Attendees when using MacOS > Chrome. (6361)
- Applied fix to render the correct attendee count for breakout rooms. (6417)
Test My Computer
- Applied a fix to update the Test Session and Device Settings under the Test My Computer page. (6328)