November 20, 2020
- Beta version
Breakout Room
- Increased Testing Room attendees from 50 to 60.
- Beta version
Optional Kick Out
- Added ability for Hosts and Co-Hosts to enable an optional kick out when a room check has been used.
- Applied a fix so attendees see the proper Zoom level when the Host/Co-Host switches Annotations on/off. (6527)
Applied a fix so the presentation/document remains centered when Annotations are enabled and Pane 2 is maximized. (7259)
Applied a fix to show names of Attendees in SSR with Anonymize Attendees is disabled. (6846)
Applied a fix so users are anonymized if Anonymization is turned on even when they type messages before SSR has begun. (7049)
Applied a fix so Anonymized Message appears for Host/Co-Host when SSR is started. (7065)
Applied a fix so users do not appear anonymous during the Live Session. (7137)
Applied a fix so users' names appear in the Assessments Results when Anonymization is enabled. (7195)
Applied a fix so course enrollments are updated when the API syncs with Jigsaw. (7066)
Applied an update to Single Input questions allowing the user to select the Input Type. (5175)
Applied an update to Assessments that would clone an assessment in a Session which was completed by at least one attendee in the Session when that Assessment was Released or Launched then Released or Launched again. (5227)
Applied a fix so the Assessment Actions render completely when browser window has been resized. (5360)
Applied an update to show 'No released assessments' in Pane 3 if the Host/Co-Host has not released any Assessments. (6171)
Applied a fix so the Edit for Assessments worked properly. (6179)
Applied a fix so Polls, Quizzes, and Surveys appear in Pane 3 only. (6514)
Applied an update to show 'Take Assessment' when the user hovers over the button to take an Assessment in Pane 3. (7232)
Applied an update to show the possible number of completions equal to the number of participants in the session. (7260)
Applied a fix so commas within questions do not create new columns in the CSV export. (7264)
Applied an update so when the Host/Co-Host clicks Cancel when cloning an Assessment the process is cancelled instead of Cloning the Assessment. (7310)
Applied a fix so assigned Co-Hosts have access to remove any session asset regardless of Company Settings. (6533)
Applied a fix so the notification reads the maximum number of images is reached when 50 images are in a session and more images are attempted to be added. (6918)
Applied a fix to prevent more than 50 images from being added to a single Breakout Room. (6924)
Applied an update to show an option to make a Session Asset visible to the Company or a Group then show that Asset in the Asset Library. (6983)
Applied an update to the CSV Import of Attendees to 1000 row limits. (7231)
Breakout Room
Applied a fix for Host/Co-Host to be able to assign an Attendee to a Breakout Room using the Breakout Room Manager. (7194)
Applied a fix to have Bring Backs and Annotated files work properly from Breakout Rooms to the Main Room. (7262)
Applied a fix to create a working recording for Breakout Rooms. (7263)
Applied a fix so an error message is not received when the Lead Role is removed from an Attendee within the Breakout Room Manager. (7291)
Applied fix to address the blank white breakout room manager window. (7165)
Applied a fix so up to 50 images can be in a session, including individual Breakout Rooms. (6788)
Applied a fix so if a Host/Co-Host is using a smaller screen size and there are 15+ Breakout Rooms created, the Host/Co-Host is able to use the drop-down menu in the Chat to select a room after room #15. (6933)
Applied a fix so the first Private Chat received is visible to the recipient. (7010)
Applied a fix so chat message text appears for all messages. (7067)
Applied a fix so messages remain visible when the user switches to a Room Chat for the first time. (7245)
Applied a fix to prevent the active chat from changing when unpinning/repinning the Attendee/Side Panel. (7250)
Applied a fix so the order of rooms is correct when the Chat pane is unpinned. (7268)
Applied a fix so the date the messages were posted are correct when the Chat pane is unpinned. (7269)
Applied a fix so all attendees see the edits to a message. (7270)
Enforce Start Time
Applied a fix so when Enforce Start Time is checked, the Attendee sees proper message when attempting to join the Session. (7252)
Jigsaw Information Screen
Applied a fix so the Jigsaw Version Window does not pop up when entering or refreshing a session. (7287)
Laser Pointer
Applied a fix so the laser pointer works properly on Safari. (457)
Applied a fix so iPhone uses are able to see items added to the Whiteboard. (4498)
Applied a fix so Android phone users are able to successfully use the Whiteboard without the browser crashing. (6487)
Applied a fix so Notes older than 24 hours remain in a session. (6651)
Applied a fix so the Timestamp is correct when the Noteboard is unpinned. (7054)
Applied a fix so names are visible in the Noteboard's exported PDF. (7196)
Applied a fix so notes added by the Host are appearing when the Host moves between the different Noteboards. (7305)
Applied a fix to prevent Password conflicts for new users when setting up profiles when using a tab in the same browser as in an active session. (7244)
Phone Audio
Applied a fix so Phone Audio Attendees are able to join a session when dialing in. (7116)
Applied a fix to remove the Phone Dial-In Details window when the Host/Co-Host locks Phone in a session. (7210)
Applied a fix to sync dropped enrollments between Canvas and Jigsaw. (7185)
Applied a fix for the user to run the Weekly Attendance Report without an error. (7090)
Screen Share
Applied a fix so Multiple Screen Share is available in Sessions when setting is set to "True" for the organization. (7257)
Applied a fix to prevent the Screen Share from appearing black while the User is Screen Sharing. (7304)
Session Setup
Applied a fix so new sessions can be created. (7188)
Web Cam
Applied a fix so the Web Cam light turns off after a Safari browser Desktop user reverts Web Cam Settings. (6915)
Applied a fix to start Personal Web Cam Recording when initialized by Host/Co-Host. (7217)
Applied a fix so Undo works on previously created Whiteboard pages. (6586)