August 20, 2021
Breakout Rooms
- Added a new "Add Room" icon for one-click access to the Breakout Room Manager.
- **Added the ability to create rooms based on the number of attendees per room.
System Notifications
- Added a system notification that shows "enter" and "leave" times for all session attendees in the Group Chat.
Web Cam
- ** Added the ability to use Company Administrator approved background images.
- Added a new setting which allows scaling background images to fit the whiteboard.
Add-On Note: As of August 2021, these features can be added. For more information, contact your Sales Representative.
- Applied a fix so new Evaluations are visible in the Breakout Rooms Assessments when no other Assessments are added. (9423)
- Applied a fix so when creating a Group, the Available to: Company can be selected. (9246)
Breakout Rooms
- Applied a fix so filtering results show matches in either lower or upper casing. (9006)
- Applied a fix so the Whiteboard is visible to all users in a Custom Breakout Room. (9273)
- Applied a fix so the Feedback Summary calculates the correct number based on the total number in the room at the time feedback is given. (9250)
Knowledge Base
- Applied an update to link the New Ticket Screen on the Account Locked screen. (9040)
- Applied an update to how the reCAPTCHA works on the login screen to prevent the Suspicious Behavior message from showing. (9276)
- Applied an update to the Authentication error to explain the user has been logged out and needs to login to join the session. (9469)
- Applied fix to address layout issues on tablets. (8145)
- Applied fix so that paginations linked to animations properly changes the page and renders the content. (9413)
Server-Side Recording
- Applied a fix so the Server-Side Recording starts for all sessions. (9447)
Zoom Level
- Applied a fix so the Zoom level remains as set when the Host/Co-Host changes pages of the Document/Presentation. (9254)
- Applied a fix so the Whiteboard accepts the size of the Background Image when inserted. (9272)
- Applied a fix to show the Fit/Actual Icon for Presentations and Documents in Pane 2. (9274)