The purpose of the GDPR is to impose a uniform data security law on all EU members so that each member state no longer needs to write its own data protection laws and laws are consistent across the entire EU. In addition to EU members, it is important to note that any company that markets goods or services to EU residents, regardless of its location, is subject to the regulation. As a result, GDPR will have an impact on data protection requirements globally.
For additional information visit:
Companies With GDPR Enabled
Any user joining a session hosted by a company that has enabled GDPR will be required to consent to the GDPR standards granting Jigsaw the permission to store some small pieces of information that personally identify you, such as Name and E-Mail address.
By consenting, you will be able to use Jigsaw and you also have the option to use a GDPR standard called "Forget Me".
Once chosen, this action cannot be undone.
And, if you are the Account Manager, you will need to contact your Company Administrator.
Here's how it works:
Assume that a Host uses the "Forget Me" option.
1. The Host who used "Forget Me" is anonymized and personal information (name and e-mail address) is deleted.
2. The Company Administrator receives an email titled - GDPR - Host Has Requested “To Be Forgotten”.
3. The company GDPR settings go into effect. Because sessions, assets, and recordings are company data, the Company Administrator has the ability to specify how to treat this data when a Host uses the "Forget Me" option.
The Company Administrator may specify these settings from within the Manage Account > Company Information area.
Note - the "Do Nothing" options are best practices for API users.
- Active Session Do Nothing: Leaves all sessions that the Host created as they currently are and will show as the anonymous user specified in the email sent to the Company Administrator.
- Active Sessions Delete: Will cancel and delete sessions created by that Host. Allows for the option to send cancellation emails to attendees as well.
- Active Sessions Move to: Will move sessions created by the Host to another Host selected in the drop-down list.
- Assets Do Nothing: Leaves all assets that the Host uploaded as they currently are and will show as the anonymous user specified in the email sent to the Company Administrator.
- Assets Delete: Will delete all assets the Host uploaded to the Asset Library as "company" or "private".
- Assets Move to: Will move assets uploaded by the Host to another Host selected in the drop-down list.
- SSRs Do Nothing: Leaves all session recordings that the Host recorded as they currently are and will show as the anonymous user specified in the email sent to the Company Administrator.
- SSRs Delete: Will delete all session recordings made by the Host.
- SSRs Move to: Will move session recording that the Host recorded to another Host selected in the drop-down list.
- Participants Do Nothing: Leaves all participants that the Host added as they currently are and will show as the anonymous user specified in the email sent to the Company Administrator.
- Participants Delete: Will delete all participants the Host added to the Participant Database as "company" or "private".
The anonymous user remains in the Manage Account > Licenses until removed by the Company Administrator.
If a Host clicks "Forget Me" and the Company Administrator has checked "Notify Invitees" and the Active Sessions are deleted, users who have been invited to a session for that Host will receive an email notifying them that the session has been canceled.