Q: How is editing a Recurring Session different from a One-Time or Open Session?
A: Recurring Session are multiple sessions that recur over a period of time. When this option is chosen, the system will create one Master Session and multiple Recurring Instances based on the day, time, and date specified instead of a single Session. Editing the Master Instance affects all Sessions while editing the Recurring Instance affects only that instance.
Q: Where do I add assets and invite attendees?
A: Assets and invitees can be added into the Master Session and each Recurring Instance. If added into the Master Session, the assets or invitees automatically appear in each Recurring Instance. If added to a specific Recurring Instance, the asset or invitee added only shows in that session.
Editing the Master Session
Editing the Master Session will affect all recurring sessions.
1. Find the Session with (Recurring Master) in the title and click Edit Session.
2. You can then edit the session just like a one-time or open session.
Any changes made to the Master session will reflect in every instance
Editing a Recurring Session
Editing a recurring session is the same as editing a Master session, except the changes only affect the single recurrence.
1. Find the Session with (Recurring Instance) in the title and click Edit Session.
2. You can then edit the session just like a one-time or open session. Changes made to the session instance will only affect that instance