Q: After a session is created, can it be edited?
A: Yes, the Session Details, Session Settings, Invitation List, and Session Assets may be edited.
Q: Can I make edits to a session while the session is being used?
A: You can edit the Invitation List and/or Session Assets, as well as items on the Session Details or Settings screens and those are real-time edits. Most changes made to the Session Details or Settings page can be updated without exiting the session. Click the Refresh Session Settings link under the Global Attendees Options menu in the Attendees List. If Assets are changed while the session is live, click the Refresh Assets under the Global Attendees Options menu to update.
1. Find the session and choose Edit Session. This will bring up the Session Details page.
2. To edit Session settings, Assets, or Attendees click the corresponding button to be taken to that section.
For more information on each section:
How to Create a Jigsaw Session > Session Details: https://support.jigsawinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019473614-How-to-Create-a-Jigsaw-Session#SessionDetails
How to Create a Jigsaw Session > Session Settings: https://support.jigsawinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360019473614-How-to-Create-a-Jigsaw-Session#SessionSettings
Assets and Asset Manager: https://support.jigsawinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023755653-Assets-and-Asset-Manager
Attendees and Attendee Manager: https://support.jigsawinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025026994-Attendees-and-Attendee-Manager
If you are live in the session at the time you have added or removed assets, be sure and Refresh the session for the assets to update.
Click the Global Attendee Options menu button and select Refresh Assets.
If you are live in the session at the time you have edited the Details or Settings of the session, be sure and Refresh the session settings to update.
Click the Global Attendee Options menu button and select Refresh Session Settings.