How to Import a CSV File

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The CSV import is a handy tool for adding a large number of users into your Attendee Manager and / or create or update existing Jigsaw account profiles.

The most critical step to ensure a successful import, is a properly formatted source file.  Jigsaw provides two CSV templates that may be downloaded under Attendees when creating a session or from the Attendee Manager.

Create a Session

Attendee Manager

Attendee Template

Attendee with Account Profile Template

Create a Session



Provide a Session Name.  Click Create.  Complete the remaining details, if needed, on Screens 1 and 2 then click on Screen 4 to move to the Attendees Screen.



Attendee Manager



Click the Import attendees icon.



Jigsaw offers two import options.

Option 1: Imports names and email ids into the Attendee Database only.

This option is good to use if you do not need to create or update user Account Profiles.

                                      Download Attendees Template



Option 2: This option is only available to company administrators. It imports names and emails into the Attendees Database as well as checks to see if the email that is being imported has an existing Jigsaw Account Profile. If it does not, it will auto-create the Account Profile and, if an account already exists, it will update the information according to the import file data.

This is a great option for Company Administrators whose organization is creating Account Profiles for their users, in particular educators with younger students. 

                           Download Attendee With Account Profile Template



And, it will create or update an Account Profile.



Once you decide on the import option that meets you needs, download the appropriate template. For purpose of this help article, let's download Option 2 as it will cover all data fields. Once downloaded, the file name is:  Import Attendees with Profile.


Note: if you do not use the template that corresponds with the option selected, you will receive an error message like the one below. To resolve this error, simply use the template applicable to the import option selected.


The Import Attendees with Profile template must be properly formatted in order to ensure a successful import.

Sample Template



A - First Name

B - Middle Initial

C - Last Name

D - Email Address

E - User ID - (optional) If you do not have a user id just leave the words User ID in the fields.

F - Country - Reference the Location and Time Zone info file.  

G - State / Region - Reference the Location and Time Zone info file.   

H - City - Reference the Location and Time Zone info file.   

I - Time Zone - Reference the Location and Time Zone info file.     

J - Password - Must be at least 8 characters and must contain at least one digit, one capital letter and one small letter. Please not that the password should not contain any special characters. (Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ".","-")  

Download Location and Time Zone Info Template


Example of a Completed Template

Note - The import file DOES NOT use headers.


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