What is a User Account Profile?
What is a User Account Profile?
A Jigsaw Interactive profile is a user account that is associated to a person's email. User profiles are unique to unique emails. With an Attendee Account, a person can participate in a session. An attendee can:
- Join sessions
- View past sessions
- Watch recorded sessions
To create a profile, the following fields are required:
- Email address
- Password
- First and Last name
- Country, City and time zone
There are four main reasons for needing a Jigsaw profile. They are as follows:
- To join a session in which you were invited via an invitation.
- To join a session in which you were invited via a password requested link.
- To upload an avatar.
- To view session recordings shared by the Presenter.
How to Create a User Account Profile?
To create a user account profile do the following:
1. Go to Jigsaw Interactive.
2. Choose Register now.
3. Next, enter the required information in the following fields below:
- Email Address: Email is used for all session invitations.
- Password: Minimum of six characters with any combination of Valid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, . , -
- First Name: Required
- Last Name: Required
- Country: Required
- State/Region: Required
- City: Required
- Time Zone: Required
Note: Critical elements are required to ensure accuracy of your session. They are country, state/region, city and time zone. This information ensures the correct time of your session is reflected based on your time zone. We will never share this information with anyone or use it to send you unsolicited mail.
Security Questions / Answers
The online password reset allows existing Jigsaw users the ability to add security questions to their profile so that they can reset their password online.
Once you have logged into your Jigsaw account, edit your profile and then choose the option to "Use Security Questions / Answer to set your password online".
To setup the Security Questions/Answers:
1. Select the question you desire to use.
2. Enter your answer. By default all answers are hidden. To show the answer, click the "eye" icon.
3. Once three questions and answers have been selected and answered, you can use the online password reset option should you need to reset your password in the future.
Profile images
There are two types of images a Host or Co-Presenter can upload under their user account profile. They are:
- Presenter Image - This image will display in Pane 1 when the Current Presenter is not video streaming. This can be an image of the person, company logo, etc.
- Avatar - This image displays when you hover over a participant's name in the Attendee List.
Adding a Presenter Image
To add a Presenter image, do the following:
1. Under the Account Profile menu, click on Browse for file.
2. Locate your desired image and select it.
3. The image will appear once uploaded successfully.
Adding an Avatar Image
To add an Avatar image, do the following:
1. Click on Browse for file.
2. Locate your desired image and select it.
3. The image will appear once uploaded successfully
Editing an Account Profile
1. To edit a profile, login at https://app.jigsawinteractive.com
2. Click the User icon at the top right of the screen.
3. Click on Profile.
4. Make the updates to the profile and click Save.
Types of Account Profiles
User account profiles are created using the same steps for all users. The only difference will be the access levels given to a particular user.
Host Account - If your Company Admin allows you to have a host account you will have the ability to do the following:
- Create sessions
- Clone sessions
- Invite others to sessions
- Add/Remove assets
- Access Reports
Attendee Account - An attendee is a person who can participate in the session. They have the lowest access level. They can do the following:
- Join sessions
- View past sessions
- Watch recorded sessions
Company Settings and Company Seats
The Company Admin is the primary email associated with a company's Jigsaw account. This person has access to the administrative tools needed to set up the company's settings and host accounts.
To learn more about the role of a Company Admin, click HERE.
This tab is available to any user who has enabled GDPR when logging into Jigsaw.
To learn more about GDPR, click HERE.