Attendee List
This is where your session controls can be found.
Controls include:
Mute and UnMute Microphone
You can mute and unmute your microphone using the microphone button next to your name.
It will turn green when active
You can also mute and unmute your mic using the microphone button at the bottom of the session.
Not Active:
Start and Stop Web Cam
You can start and stop your webcam using the web cam button next to your name.
It will turn green when active.
You can also start and stop your web cam using the webcam button in Pane 1.
Not Active:
Send Direct Chat
If Direct Chat is enabled, you will see chat bubbles next to the names of everyone else in the session. Click on a bubble to send a direct message to that person.
The Chat window will change to show that you are now direct chatting with the person selected. Use the drop down arrow to toggle between the Main Chat room and direct chats.
Disabled Mic and Web Cam
When a web cam or mic is disabled it will appear solid gray with a line through it.
Attendee Menu
Clicking on the gear icon next to your name will open the Attendee menu.
Menu Options include:
Microphone Settings
Clicking this option opens a pop-over that allows you to change your microphone selection during the session.
Web Cam Settings
Clicking this option opens a pop-over that allows you to change your web cam settings during the session
Notifications Settings
Clicking this option opens a pop-over that allows you to change your notification settings during the session
Other Tools
Step Away
Allows you to step away from a session by setting your status to Away, while all other attendees see your status as Away.
Go to Knowledge Base
This opens the Knowledge Base in a separate tab or window. The Knowledge Base is where you will find Help Articles on how to use the different tools in Jigsaw.
Refresh My Connection
Refreshes your connection. Use this if you have web cam or audio issues, or if you see a frozen screen share or presentation pane.
Exit Session
This allows you to exit the session.