How to Resize Panes on a Tablet

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Resizing panes in your Jigsaw session on a Tablet function the same as a session on a Desktop or Laptop computer.

There are multiples ways to resize panes and the panels in your Jigsaw session.




Each pane and window in the Side Panel has a Minimize/Maximize Me icon.  This appears as an individual person icon.  This maximizes or minimizes the panes or windows for the individual attendee.  If the icon is filled in, click to Maximize



If the screen is maximized and the icon appears hollow, click to Minimize.




Minimize/Maximize All

Each pane has a Minimize/Maximize All icon.  This appears as a group of three people on the icon.  This maximizes or minimizes the panes for all attendees at once.  If the icon is filled in, click to Maximize.  



If the screen is maximized and the icon appears hollow, click to Minimize.



Resizing Handles

There are handles strategically placed between the panes and panel windows that allows you to resize to your needs.  These appear as a group of dots separating panels or windows. 



Just click on the handle and drag to the size you are needing for that pane or window. 



As the Host/Co-Presenter, you can click on the Global Attendee Options menu and select Apply Layout for this new layout to appear for all in the session.



Hide/Show Side Panel

You can increase the size of the four panes simultaneously by clicking the Hide Side Panel icon in the bottom left corner of the Jigsaw window. 



This instantly hides the Side Panel which holds the Attendee List, Chat, and Noteboard.



Click the Show Side Panel icon to have Jigsaw return to its previous view.



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