What is LTI?
LTI is an acronym for Learning Tools Interoperability an open standard that allows Learning Management Systems (LMS) and special providers (like Jigsaw®) the ability to interact with each other without requiring any custom programming. In particular, LTI provides a "Single Sign-On" capability that will allow students/teachers using your LMS to seamlessly access Jigsaw (without requiring them to first be setup in Jigsaw).
How does LTI work?
Your LMS and Jigsaw are "linked" together using a special website and they share a "secret" and a "key" that authenticate the systems to each other. Once this is set up, it is simple for Teachers/Admins to create links to Jigsaw within the LMS and specific courses. When a student clicks on one of these links, they are securely routed to Jigsaw, bypassing any need for a second login, where they can enter the virtual classroom.
Who sets up the LTI in the LMS?
Your LMS administrator should request LTI access to Jigsaw. Jigsaw will provide them with special website link and the LTI "Key" and "Secret".
What do I do with the LTI Site/Key/Secret?
Each LMS has an administrative section to setup LTI connections. Your LMS administrator will enter the Site, Key, and Secret into this setup page in your LMS. Each LMS has a unique way of accessing this setup page and how they handle inputting the information (your LMS provider can help your administrator set this up).
How do user emails work with my LMS and Jigsaw?
When a student clicks a course link to join a Jigsaw session, the student email that has been setup in your LMS will be passed directly into Jigsaw. Jigsaw will automatically establish a profile for the student (if it is their first use), then will automatically sign them in. From the Teacher's perspective, they will simply use the same student email to allow the student to join their class session.