Jigsaw Connectivity

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Jigsaw is able to connect to a variety of options to provide you with the best virtual experience. The following table explains the different connectivity options.

What It Does LTI is a common specification that most LMS's support that will enable Single-Sign-On (SSO) from your LMS into Jigsaw. This means that your Teachers/Students would never need to sign in to Jigsaw, their information would automatically pass from your LMS to Jigsaw when they attempt to join a class. LTI1.1 and LTI1.3 are supported.
What It Does Not Do This is SSO only, user accounts are automatically created, and the class to join is passed, but classes are not auto-created and enrollment is not populated until a user joins a class. Teachers/Students must access the link to their Jigsaw class through the LMS. Links to classes cannot be posted outside the LMS.
How It Works Your LMS administrator will set up Jigsaw as an "LTI Provider". Jigsaw will supply a URL and a secret/key combination that will create a secure link between your LMS and Jigsaw.
Choose It When You only need SSO capabilities. You use an LMS that supports LTI.
LMS API: Canvas, Agilix Buzz, SuccessFactors, MoodleRooms
What It Does These are LMS's with which Jigsaw has created a direct API connection. These connections are usually two-way, pulling Classes, Teachers, and Students from the LMS and pushing Attendance information back. The flow of data is automatic. These also support the LTI for single-sign-on.
What It Does Not Do Assets (Documents, Presentations, Videos, etc.) cannot be pushed into Jigsaw
How It Works A "token" is usually generated in the LMS, which gives Jigsaw trusted access to exchange data directly with the LMS. The sync between systems is automated on a timed basis but can be triggered manually if needed.
Choose It When You need the highest level of integration between your LMS and Jigsaw. This option eliminates all manual entry of Classes, Teachers, and Students and ensures Attendance is automatically updated back in your LMS. Almost all LMS's have an API that Jigsaw can use. If your LMS is not in our currently supported list, speak to your Jigsaw representative.
What It Does This is the "Jigsaw" API, which allows customers to create their own programmatic ways to directly control the creation of classes, teachers, and students while getting back attendance information. It also supports Single-Sign-On (SSO).
What It Does Not Do Assets (Documents, Presentations, Videos, etc.) cannot be pushed into Jigsaw.
How It Works Jigsaw will generate a "token" providing your programming code access to user pre-defined methods to push data into Jigsaw and get back attendance information. The systems will sync on an automated (timed) basis, with manual triggering if needed.
Choose It When You have your own development resources and need to create a custom connection to send/receive information to/from Jigsaw. This is the most flexible option, but also the most work for customers.
What It Does A connection that provides teachers and students with a Single-Sign-On (SSO) capability so they will not need to ever sign in to Jigsaw. So long as the user is signed into your network, their information will automatically transfer to Jigsaw when they attempt to join a class. This method depends on your Local Area Network (LAN) and usually Active Directory.
What It Does Not Do This is Single-Sign-On (SSO) only, no class/teacher/student information transfers into Jigsaw, and no attendance information transfers back to the LMS. If the user is not signed into the network, it will not work.
How It Works There are multiple ways to configure this connection so request technical details if needed. Once set up, the network credentials of the user are automatically passed to Jigsaw when they attempt to join a class so no login or user information is requested by Jigsaw and the user is connected directly to the class.
Choose It When You only need Single-Sign-On (SSO) capabilities. Users will always access Jigsaw from a company-owned device that is connected to the company network and the user will already be authenticated on the device. Basically, if your computers are on a local network that supports SAML2.
Jigsaw Session Links
What It Does Jigsaw has the ability to generate web links that point to specific classes. These links can require a Jigsaw login or not (based on settings). Links can be copied from Jigsaw then pasted into E-Mails, LMS's, newsletters, websites, or anywhere a web link is allowed.
What It Does Not Do These are just links. They will not offer Single-Sign-On (SSO) capabilities or provide the ability to transfer information into/out of Jigsaw.
How It Works They work like any weblink (URL).
Choose It When You want the most simple way for people to join your classes. Jigsaw links can be used in combination with almost any other Jigsaw connectivity option.
Jigsaw Import
What It Does Jigsaw provides multiples places and ways to import Teachers, Students, and Invitee Groups. This is an easy way to pull Teacher and/or Student information from your LMS, registration system, etc. directly into Jigsaw. Some options will support creating passwords. This method can also be used to update existing information.
What It Does Not Do Imports do not support deleting Teachers or Students; only adding/updating them.
How It Works Template spreadsheets are available. Add your information into the spreadsheet according to the spreadsheet then push the button in Jigsaw. If you export data from your LMS, some minor changes to the spreadsheet may need to be made so the layout matches. This can be done as often as needed.
Choose It When You need an easy way to populate Teacher, Student, or Invitee Groups into Jigsaw.
Data Feeds
What It Does Jigsaw supports the ability for customers to receive timed (daily) bulk data feeds. Jigsaw also supports LIVE event feeds for customers who need class attendance events in
What It Does Not Do  
How It Works Bulk data feeds are generally implemented as automated CSV/XLS exports to customer-specific secure storage, usually on a daily basis, which can eliminate the need to run individual class reports. Using LIVE event feeds, customers can implement many types of system
integrations, live alerts, and real-time reporting.
Choose It When Some of these features may require additional setup and expense, please speak to your Jigsaw representative.
What It Does Jigsaw is a very flexible system. If you do not find the exact method for getting data in or out of Jigsaw on this matrix, reach out to your Jigsaw representative. We are happy to work with you to create new ways for Jigsaw to integrate your data or provide data to you.

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